The best remedies for dry cough

Dry cough, not being an exceptional health problem, affects people regardless of age, social status, origin and gender. This is a problem that is often ignored, although it shouldn't be. Dry cough remedies are usually chosen depending on the severity of the cough and possible complications that may occur in the patient. The reasons also play a very important role in choosing the right medicines.

The main causes of dry cough are the common cold and asthma, flu and weather changes, allergies and laryngitis, smoking and extreme dryness. So, which dry cough remedies are considered the most effective treatment options?

Prevention is better than treatment

There are several dry cough remedies that you can do to prevent a dry cough. You will not suffer from a cough only if you:

avoid inhaling smoke;
avoid spraying;
use an air humidifier;
vacuum more often;
get some sleep;
maintain airflow.

The Best Homemade Dry Cough Remedies

Unlike medicines, homemade dry cough remedies are much more effective and never cause any side effects and complications. The main advantage of these dry cough remedies is that they are available and can help both adults and children.

Gargling is often called one of the most popular remedies. This is fair enough, because gargling soothes and relieves cough symptoms. All you need is a glass of warm water with salt. Rinse your throat a couple of times until you feel a little better. The water should not be too hot, because it will not calm, but rather burn the throat.

Honey and lemon are strong medicines. Mixing 2 tablespoons of each and warming them, you will experience great relief with a dry cough.

Another simple and effective procedure is mixing turmeric powder with milk. Along with gargling, this method will soothe the throat, reducing coughing urges. For a relatively better result, you need to mix a teaspoon of turmeric with milk and boil it. Boiling will allow the powder to mix thoroughly with the milk.

Sometimes even basic things are more useful than pills. Such things include a warm shower. It is especially effective in cases of dry cough. Steam helps to moisten the throat and reduce inflammation.

Garlic and onion are the most popular medicines. They are powerful due to their antibacterial properties. They prevent the development of infection, soothe the respiratory tract, releasing mucus and providing rapid relief.

Dry cough

Cider vinegar is not a very popular solution. However, it is one of the most effective. This helps to reduce inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and eliminate cough. Add apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and sip it when you have the urge to cough.

Hot drinks such as tea and soup can also provide relief. If you like milk or tea, add honey or turmeric to your glass. This combination will soothe inflammation and stop dry cough from aggravating late at night. Your sleep will be strong and deep.

Dry cough

In case a dry cough is accompanied by chills, rash, night sweats and fever, you should consult your doctor and get some prescription medications such as capsules and syrup.

Suppressors are usually prescribed as optimal cough treatments. They reduce the cough reflex and minimize painful moments. Dextromethorphan is a widely used syrup that is very effective in cases of dry cough.

Antihistamines cause sleep in people who cannot sleep peacefully because of a dry cough. While taking antihistamines, you should not drive, as they cause drowsiness. À procura da melhor experiência de jogo online em Portugal? Não procure mais do que os bónus exclusivos disponíveis através das nossas parcerias em

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